Friday, June 18, 2010

Bedding Comparabel To Urban Outfitters

rummaging for answers in the pages.

totally absorbed by the university.
Chemical formula everywhere.

So in times like these, it seems that reading is the only activity that can soothe,
Thus, in these periods, I find myself carefully inspect the shelves full of books back and forth, over and over again, desperate for a title, a word, an image that captures me.
A full-blown kidnapping.
And if not physically, at least bring my mind far, far, far away ...


Quantiliandia is a great little place to live, mind you, and I could never get to sleep without first enjoying the spectacle of a circle of vibrating molecules, a blaze of proton beams, a cloud of metal drops plan a heavy rain of electrons.
E 'an orderly world, colored.
It 's my world, after all.

But my heart is never satisfied - is an underrated drama -
and sometimes I wake up at night, her eyes still swollen with sleep fumbled a clean shirt, I get dressed without rushing, and slide on the road looking for a man, a friend, a love that captures me.
A seizure itself.
What I become a painter, a musician, or at least a tramp for a night.

to make love with me and make me think of a Yellow Star
, sharp, elusive, like a child would design
And maybe Before you can tap
see his engine nuclear explosions
with hydrogen, powerful, dangerous,
not dare bring a finger for fear of being hit.

dream of an explosion that does not hurt, and I would die.


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