Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kate Moss In Minnetonka

How are you?

Yes, I know that we have not talked a girlfriend lately, but I hope to still be welcome. I

had to be done.
(It 's a lie.)
Sure, I could find time to go, but I did not want.
(Now it's better.)

not even remember where we left with such important questions unresolved, with such tragedies.
Yet I have apparently exceeded.
Full of good intentions, full of laughter with no pretense, as I like. Reassuring.
I knew a lot 'of people, some more interesting than others.
am a medical student now.
'm exactly where I want to be.
always me after all.

And maybe one day I'll talk about something else, something important.
Forgive me for now because I do not know anymore.
I will come back, I promise.


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